0.1.6 - Map Update

Thank you to @gc_danny and @Gearomatic for the help with bug testing.

Please Wishlist us on Steam.

What we are working on in the future:

- Optimisation of new map

- Fixing various visual bugs in the new map

- Adding mechanics (upgrades, collectibles)

- Various player bug fixes

- More settings options (music volume, resolution)

- Doors on buildings


- Tutorial

- Main menu

- PostFX

- Level bounds to town_one (raspberry)

- Rough draft of town_one, added buildings, flame engine, player, collectibles, UI canvas, steamworks manager, steam object managers, easy save 3 manager, and mission manager objects to scene.

- Volumetric clouds

- Ambient sfx

- button sounds to the main menu

- Added fire and rigid bodies to numerous plants, cacti, and props at the scene

- Added ragtime piano music by clicking on piano

- New paths

- V-Sync

- Mouse sens


- Updated controls
- Changed font size and coloring of early access text in menus

- Reduced player punch distance

- Switched color space to linear

- Change the default volume to 30%  

- Extend level bounds to fit new buildings

- Delay the player in some way from finding missions, further from starting mission boards

- Update the tutorial with new instructions in the main game scene

- Darken all UI menus to 225

- Create FSM template for each FSM

- Increased player radius to 0.6 to reduce visual clipping issues with getting too close to meshes

- Make space around the character controller larger so the player doesn't clip through the doors and similar

- Increased flame vfx to 0.35 in Flame engine

- Removed achievements for starting the game

- Added clear Preview notices to Upgrades and Collectibles menus

- Escape method after missions changed to train

- Made train platform box collider instead of mesh collider

- Make it so you can leave town by punching the train

- Changed lanterns to candles

- Complete Skybox revamp
- Add Info message to train "Left Click to Escape"

- Explained ash in tutorial

- Turned up lighting

- Properly stacked barrels
- Changed coffin to box

Bug Fixes:

- Prevent Mission escape message when playing on level start

- Train is now stealable

- Outhouse door no longer turns green when opened

- Various optimizations
- Boring bug fixes

- The game will now autopause when the player tabs out

- Old flame shaders got updated to more modern ones

- Player no longer gets stuck in the air controller

- Improved player look

- Player no longer punches when crouching

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